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1-To-1 Business Coaching

After an in-depth analysis of current business situation, I undertake 1-to-1 Coaching with Business Owners and Entrepreneurs to map out a goal-oriented journey.

My Business Coaching Module

To Alleviate Your Business Pains
For 1-to-1 Business Coaching - 24 Sessions - 90 Mins Each

  • Eliminate fear and phobia-related issues in personal life.
  • Eliminate the limiting beliefs that are stopping you to achieve what you desire
  • Streamline your delegated work to staff.
  • Ensure all meetings - short or long - consume your productive time.
  • Never forget any task or information.
  • Eliminate your To-Do list.
  • Learn one super tool to finish all your task on time.
  • Create and implement systems to run the business.
  • Create leaders responsible to achieve the company's goals.
  • Create an automated system for Repeatable Tasks and Processes.
  • Create Key Result Areas (KRAs).
  • Create Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
  • Learn how to get work done rather than doing it yourself.
  • Find leisure time for family and friends.
  • Ensure at least 75 to 80% of Collections are received in time.
  • Create a Debt-Free company.
  • Create Cash Reserves for 6 months.
  • How to cut down costs by 20-30%.
  • Eliminate recurring Cash Flow bottlenecks forever.
  • Create a well-defined responsive Accounting System.
  • Create and monitor Reporting System for various functionaries.
  • Ensure Tax Compliance in time.
  • Setup system for Payment to Vendors.
  • Learn how to acquire total financial control of the company with facts and figures.
  • Learn how to recruit the right team.
  • Attract good talent at lower cost.
  • Create easy but effective HR policy of your company.
  • Create professional Organization Structure.
  • The 2 tools to train employees in 1 week so that they can take over completely.
  • Define Job Description for managers and staff.
  • Create an automated objective Increment System to eliminate any heartburns.
  • Create effective leaders in the company to take over your functions.
  • Make employees processes smooth and self-driven.
  • Stop inter-departmental conflicts and politics.
  • Avoid frequent staff attrition.
  • Recreate your relationship with your team.
  • Align your team with your company goals.
  • Create a new Company culture.
  • Create a world-class training system for each process of your business
  • Create an effective Supply Chain Management System.
  • Never run short of your Raw Materials.
  • Reduce your Inventory by 30 to 50%.
  • Avoid recurrence of Dead Stock at frequent intervals.
  • Create quality Benchmark in all your services.
  • Maintain strict Vigilance over quality control.
  • How to ensure that quality issues don't keep coming to you.
  • Establish yourself as great Pay master to your Vendors and win their loyalty.
  • Keep creating new Vendors.
  • Impress upon current Vendors to reduce their pricing.
  • Understand why vendors deliver late and make them deliver on time, without follow up.
  • Create a feedback mechanism.
  • Create a system for all client issues to get attended.
  • How to create customer care division.
  • Automate all repetitive tasks like Administrative, Environmental, Legal etc.
  • Automate & manage Office supplies such that they do not finish.
  • Benchmark all the preventive maintenance schedules.
  • All preventive Maintenance gets done on time- breaks down nearly vanish.
  • Create a training process for all preventive and breakdown maintenance processes.
  • Master the real science of sales team management.
  • Get total control over your sales team.
  • Get all the correct and verified reports from each sales person.
  • Never be dependent on sales person for achieving the company sales target.
  • Get your sales team to achieve their target.
  • Learn how to handle your top sales performers.
  • Learn strategies to enhance conversion rates.
  • Learn strategies to enhance your margins.
  • How to conduct sales training programs.
  • Regain lost clients.
  • Multiply your Profits by Reorganising your Sales Team & create a new Sales Engine.
  • Understand the science of sales funnel.
  • Create your ideal Sales Funnel.
  • Capture each lead, ensure that no lead gets lost.
  • Increase the number of leads by 50%.
  • Create a structure for tracking each lead – create your CRM system.
  • Never let a lead drop. Ensure each lead is completely followed up.
  • Double your Conversion Ratio.
  • Understand why your current sales Pitch does not work.
  • Learn how to create ideal Pitch for the client.
  • Create a system to handle all the objections raised by Clients.
  • Master the science of converting prospects into clients.
  • Map all the Features Advantages & Benefits of your entire Product range.
  • Map the competitive advantage you have over your competitors.
  • Implementation of the science of Lifetime Value of your client.
  • Create an automated system to always stay in touch with each of your past clients.
  • Create a Top of the Mind Recall of your products & service with each of your client.
  • Increase the number of times each client buys from you in a year.
  • Instead of giving Discounts create a system to get higher profit margin for each sale you make.
  • Create marketing and sales promotion material.
  • Create a business website.
  • Utilize digital marketing and social media.
  • Induce clients to pay maximum price for your maximum value.
  • Create a marketing and sales model for your business for at least 5 years, if not more.
  • Create your Unique Selling Proposition (USP).
  • Identify your target market.
  • Identify your target customer.
  • How to create a world class business model.